About Us

Message from the Head

Weng Zhuang

Message from the Head

Welcome to Beijing Institute of Business Consulting

Beijing Institute of Business Consulting is a leading Chinese business consulting and trade transaction support platform in Southeast Asia. As of 2018, we are shaping a new standard of consulting services, risk management, trade and economic as well as political analytics in the Asian market.
We are proud of our cases implemented for world-renowned corporations such as Alibaba Group, China Mobile, Pepsi&Co, Henkel, China Shenhua Energy, as well as the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, Laos Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Vietnam National Agency for Technology, Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation Development, Vietnam Petroleum Institute and many other government and international organisations from more than 20 countries and three continents.
We help a huge number of companies and business associations from all over the world to find their place in the Asian market. The total number of our clients since 2018 is already more than 300 legal entities. For active participation in the modernisation of the long-term economic risk analysis system of the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China Together with our clients, we do not adapt to change, but manage it!